The data exchange format
in Combined Transport

EDIGES stands for Electronic Data interchange for Intermodal Global European Standard. It is promoted by UIRR and continuously developed by the EDIGES consortium.

Status messages designed for door-to-door CT services

The digital transformation of Combined Transport must rely on a strong integration of all CT stakeholders based on EDI common reference files and data exchange standards. The target of EDIGES is to realise a standard communication system to integrate all actors in intermodal logistic chain and information related to every single process of the CT chain.

The following processes are covered: booking, first/last mile road operations, terminal activities, train running information including Estimated Time of Departure/Arrival and Estimated Time of Pick-up. More than 30 status messages have been defined and also messaging to exchange commercial/operational timetables and train/network disruptions.

The EDIGES consortium

EDIGES is managed and developed by a specific EDIGES Consortium ([email protected]) where members are represented by intermodal operators Kombiverkehr, Hupac, Mercitalia Intermodal. The version is 3.3.2 is the last published version wherease the version 4.1 will soon be released.